Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Cold Marble with Black Letters

Granite Industries in Barre, VT gets a third of its business from the United States Government.

They cut the marble headstones for veterans buried in Arlington and other national cemeteries.

The latest increase in headstones reflects the mounting losses in Iraq and Afghanistan. Some are for WW II, Korean War and Vietnam vets. But daily there are new stones for young men and women.

The company turns out more than 100 gravestones for veterans every day. Its an important but sad job.

The losses continue to mount.

As of right now there are 3469 Americans dead and 25,549 Americans wounded. There are untold numbers of Iraqi civilians dead.

"If we don't fight them there... they'll come here."

More stones come off the line...

“And the beat goes on…”

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Blueberry Pancakes

Most weekends we end up going out for breakfast at least once. We have our favorite haunts.

The Clifton Diner makes the best crispy fried potatoes. Sammy’s has really wonderful homemade corned beef hash. Lucky’s Cafe has great gingerbread waffles with toppings like rhubarb compote or maple apple compote. And the Juniper Grill has the richest coffee in giant bottomless ceramic mugs.

I wish that we could find all of our favorites in one place – but where’s the fun in that?

Yesterday morning as we were waking up I suggested we motivate out to one of “our places” and Chris had a better idea. Would I make some blueberry pancakes? Having just returned from VT a couple of weeks prior with some of Hardwick’s finest maple syrup – how could I resist?

I love thick, fluffy pancakes speckled with warm blueberries and topped with butter and real maple syrup. I don’t need anything else. No bacon or sausage necessary - just ‘cakes – mmm good eats!

This morning’s breakfast of wheat Chex with 2% and a small juice just does not compare with Blueberry ‘cakes.

What is your favorite breakfast food or breakfast place?


Monday, May 28, 2007

Been Away

I am sorry about the lack of posts.

I have been pretty busy at home, at work and combine those elements with feeling a bit uninspired.

Work has had me traveling quite a bit dealing with employee issues throughout the Midwest. I spend most of my time coaching and training managers in how to deal with employees with performance or behavioral issues. Some of it is common sense and some of it is regulatory. most of the time it is interesting.

I was about two weeks behind in my gardening but this three day weekend has allowed me to catch up quite a bit. Six cubic yards of mulch have been spread, annuals planted and some perennials added to beds that are already tight on space.

I love gardening. I enjoy the thrill of putting something in the ground and watching it take root, grow and bloom.

The last week of June is always the best week for my yard. Just about everything is blooming and the lawn is finally lush and thick. I love spending summer evenings out under the canopy of trees that shade our backyard and enjoy the beauty that God has given us.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

This Is Why My Soul Is Still There...


Monday, May 14, 2007

My Body Is Back But My Soul Is Still There

We returned from Vermont on Sunday afternoon. Leaving the pond this time was the hardest it’s ever been.

We spent the first part of the week packing up all our belongings and memories in our old camp and moving them into storage.

The later half of the week was spent removing some tongue and groove pine paneling that we will use as wainscoting in the new camp eventually.

I am a sentimentalist - I can’t help it - I always have been. As I said goodbye to the old place when we left, I remembered all the good times around the dining room table - all the games of Scrabble, the card games and the puzzles that were put together.

All the meals shared with friends and family. The mornings, well spent, sipping coffee and looking out on the pond at either the ducks or the loons. All the afternoons of watching Sandy dog sun herself on the deck.

Watching the sun rise each day and the long twilights as the sun went down behind the mountain.

By next summer we should be able to do that all again. But it will be in a new place and there will be new memories to be made.

We are taking along some of the old camp…the tongue and groove paneling, an old sink, and all the old “art work” that was in the camp when we purchased it…to use in the new camp.

The next time I go to Vermont our old place will be gone but the memories of the last seven years I carry with me to make me smile.
