Been Away
I have been pretty busy at home, at work and combine those elements with feeling a bit uninspired.
Work has had me traveling quite a bit dealing with employee issues throughout the Midwest. I spend most of my time coaching and training managers in how to deal with employees with performance or behavioral issues. Some of it is common sense and some of it is regulatory. most of the time it is interesting.
I was about two weeks behind in my gardening but this three day weekend has allowed me to catch up quite a bit. Six cubic yards of mulch have been spread, annuals planted and some perennials added to beds that are already tight on space.
I love gardening. I enjoy the thrill of putting something in the ground and watching it take root, grow and bloom.
The last week of June is always the best week for my yard. Just about everything is blooming and the lawn is finally lush and thick. I love spending summer evenings out under the canopy of trees that shade our backyard and enjoy the beauty that God has given us.
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