Monday, October 26, 2009

I am troubled when people speak with such certainty.

Our knowledge is always imperfect and hazy.

Even well meaning Christian people deeply disagree about what is right in any particular situation. Even when we come close to God’s viewpoint on justice, we find that when we claim to speak for God, we can’t help inserting a few lines of our own.

But to act justly there must be a willingness to embrace those who differ with us, who disapprove of us. When people disagree —what is called for is a broader view of thinking about things. The ability to change perspectives, the willingness to reason from the other’s point of view, even to see ourselves as they see us.

What is needed is the sensitivity and desire to seek out and listen to others and, if necessary, to re-adjust our own viewpoint as we take into account their perspective in hopes that our conflicting ideas of justice might converge.

Otherwise the harder we struggle against the injustice done to us, the blinder we become to the injustice we do.


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