Monday, April 20, 2009

The Forest Awakens...

In the last few days the wildlife have started to "wake up" around Coles Pond...

I spotted the beaver down by my dock on Saturday. He has been busy over the winter months.

I spotted deer track on my muddy road early Sunday morning that was not there Saturday evening when I was out for a walk.

Over the weekend my neighbors spotted three bears in a field about 2 miles away... a mother with an older cub and a brand new cub.

On Sunday four blue heron flew over the pond in a diamond formation and two mallard ducks have taken up residence nearby in a spot where the ice has melted away from the shore.

Finally, one night last week I heard a great horned owl very close to the house hooting away for about an hour after dark.

For all intents and purposes the pond is still iced over, except for a few places around the edges. We are expecting considerable rain this week and so I suspect that will change significantly by Friday.


At 10:18 AM, Blogger Robert Vaughn said...

Good to hear the wild is waking up from winter. I will be up for a little Moose photography expedition in northern N.H. in early May. Hope the lakes up there wont still be frozen, I would like to drop the kayak in.


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