Tuesday, November 04, 2008


I was first in line at the polling place this morning.

I arrived at 6:10 AM and the polling place opened at 6:30 AM.

Within a few minutes there was a crowd of 60 – 70 people behind me. I went in and showed my ID and got my two page ballot.

I filled it out and then put it through the scanner.

I was out in 15 minutes. It seemed as if the line was only getting longer...

Apparently there was a woman in Grosse Point, Michigan who was denying Trick or Treat candy to people who voted for Obama!

"No doubt, parents of both candidates must have thought that they were being tricked when they read the sign that Nagel posted outside of her home that read “No handouts for Obama supporters, liars, tricksters or kids of supporters”. She actually opened the door with candy in her hands and asked the parents if they were voting for McCain and if they were not she would not give them candy and said that “Obama was scary” and when kids actually started crying because they were turned away, she stated ‘Oh well, everyone has a choice’. "

I think she is officially the dumbest person in the world!


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