One of My Hangouts…

One of my hang outs is Cleveland’s Westside Market. For some it's just a market for me it is a cathedral dedicated to food worshippers. Built in 1902, this market's "old world" look and feel helps to draw shoppers from all over the region.
Imagine being able to find the most obscure spice, any cut of any meat (beef, goat, lamb, buffalo, and all manner of poultry), fresh pastry, fresh vegetables, and fresh fish from nearly every sea all under the same roof.
There are stands with prepared foods including Mexican, Greek, Thai, Irish, Japanese and Lebanese. There are four stands that sell nothing but cheese and dairy products!

My friend Dion has his Urban Herbs retail stand there. But some of my other favorite merchants are: Pinzone Meats, Kaufmann’s Poultry, Irene Dever’s, Kate’s Fish and K&K Bakery.
I have a Saturday routine that seldom varies.
I show up at the market around 7:00 am and get a vanilla latte at City Roast Coffee. The market is still kind of quiet – lots of vendors still arranging their products. So I kibitz with Dion about the restaurant scene, how to cook the sea bass I am going to buy that morning, or about whatever he is working on.
Then I swing by the stands that are my favorite, eye their wares and make my selections. Perhaps try some pastry, sample some cheese, maybe a piece of apple wood smoked turkey or some fresh salsa made with sweet corn and black beans. Last week at the Dever’s stand I got to sample a boiled quail egg! It was creamy good!

So if you ever come to town – I will take you to the market… but you’ll have to get up early!
Labels: Food, Urban Herbs
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