Tuesday, February 13, 2007

With All The Blue Etheral Sky

“Father and Friend, Thy light, Thy love,
Beaming through all Thy works we see;
Thy glory gilds the heavens above,
And all the earth is full of Thee.

Thy children shall not faint nor fear,
Sustained by this exalted thought;
Since Thou, their God, art everywhere,
They cannot be where Thou art not!”

It’s not an idea that is as common today as maybe it once was…this idea that the earth is full of God. We hear it occasionally expressed in public prayers that God’s beauty and wonder are seen in nature – but that is pretty much it.

Somewhere along the way we bought into the lie that world is a nasty, sinful place and that we are the good folks who are just trying to hang on in this hostile environment.

“Living below in this old sinful world
Hardly a comfort can afford
Striving alone to face temptations call
Where could I go to the Lord?”

Have we forgotten that God created this world and called it…good?

Have we forgotten that God did not send his Son to condemn the world, but to save the world through him?

Jesus is described over and over again as:

· as the light of the world
· as the one who gives life to the world
· as the Savior of the world
· as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world
· and as the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours, but also for the sins of the whole world

You get the idea. We, being the embodiment of Jesus, are supposed to be taking light into the world, reaching out to the world, sharing life with the world.

And I understand that to mean the people and the planet.

This world was created for our enjoyment and it should remind us that our Father takes care of us.

It should remind us of our stewardship. God always wants us to be good stewards of what he has given us.


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