Customized M&M’s!

Check out the website in the link above - Click on Customized M&M's!
I spent the weekend working the Cleveland Fabulous Food Show for my friend Dion Tsevdos. Dion owns Urban Herbs a great herb and spice company here in Cleveland. Paula Dean and Tyler Florence were the big draws at the Food Show. There were easily 25000 people there over the three days.
I sold a few (40+) Kuhn Rikon Vase Grinders. These grinders are more than salt & pepper mills. They also grind herbs & spices. Ask me anything you want about them. If you want to send a really attractive and functional gift - check out the website:
Use the Coupon Code UH350 for free shipping if you order before December 7th, 2006. There are a number of gifts sets that would make great gifts for your friends with a culinary flair.
Dion is a great guy with great products and worthy of your business. Obviously I think a lot of him and his company to spend an entire weekend selling pepper mills.
For me real, abiding friendships are like that though - for me - friends are more than just people you go to the movies with or out to dinner with. Friends are people that I do things for even when it's inconvenient for me and visa versa.
They are people who share their lives with me warts and all and we encourage each other through good and bad times that life throws at us.
There are tremendous amounts of personal strength to be found in abiding friendships.
Labels: Urban Herbs
I have a friend looking for lyrics to a song that you mentioned in a post on Mike Cope's blog called, "While On the Sea"
his name is Justin McCreary and his website is:
Post = "Find Lyrics"
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