Monday, October 30, 2006

The Breaking of Bread

I just realized this morning that I spend a lot of time talking about food on this blog…

One of the reasons is that in the division of labor around our house I am the primary food preparer.

I do the shopping and the food prep. I cook 4 - 5 nights a week with one night usually foraging on our own because of meetings or appointments and a couple of nights of either eating out or take out.

I love cooking from our pantry. I try to keep some protein in the freezer (chops, fish, shrimp, and steak) and then keep our pantry well stocked. I buy vegetables each week as I need them for specific meals so that they are fresh. I keep some frozen veggies for soups and stock.

I always make enough spaghetti sauce and soup to freeze a quart or two so that I have some to thaw for a quick meal.

I go to two markets every couple of weeks. Four days a week the Cleveland Westside Market sells fresh produce and also has a number of meat, cheese and bread stands.

I also visit the Farmer’s Market at Crocker Park for fresh eggs, chickens, apples and mushrooms. These folks are local farmers that provide great products and give me a way to support local agriculture. I am trying to be a Localvore.

The best meals I have ever eaten have been meals shared with friends - the fellowship of friends around my table – eating and laughing and enjoying each other’s company in the breaking of bread - there is something sacred about it.

I know Jesus understood the connection. I love the story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus.

While two disciples are walking along the road to Emmaus, Jesus appears to them and begins interacting with them. When they reach the village of Emmaus, the disciples ask Jesus to stay with them to eat as he seemed willing to walk on.

After he prays and breaks the bread, they recognize him, and he disappears.

Not until he breaks the bread with them do they recognize him. There is something in the breaking of bread with people that we let down our guard and experience the kind of fellowship that comes with sharing food.


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