Weekend Plans

We are hosting it in our backyard from 10AM to 2PM and we have a head count of about 65 right now. I will be making omelets and belgian waffles most of that time.
We will do some last minute yard and garden clean up tonight and Saturday afternoon. Saturday evening we will set up all the tables and the cook stations.
Everyone in the neighborhood brings something to eat. There will be fruit, donuts, quiches, bagels, salads, OJ and coffee.
We have a wonderful group of neighbors. There is a real sense of community among us. If one person needs help - the others always pitch in.
There is a degree of dependency among our neighbors. I know that if I am in trouble or need help that they have and will come to my aid. And visa versa. If one of them needs my help I will drop what I am doing and go to assist them.
That dependency is born from the fact that I have attended dozens of birthday parties, christenings, first communions, weddings, wakes and funerals with my neighbors.
I’ve had them in my home and I have been in their homes for all sorts of occasions. I have married some of their children and buried some of their parents.
Our mutual dependency and trust has only increased the more we've been together.
Christine and I have been tempted to sell and find a smaller house or townhouse - however we keep coming back to the fact that the relationships we've built with our neighbors are more valuable than a new home with a new kitchen full of new appliances.
I am convinced that community, trust and relationship, are important characteristics for a life well lived.
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